Summary: over 400 items, mostly given by Lady O'Hagan and Prof. John Garstang between 1903 and 1905, collection now closed.
The collection includes a mummy, two mummy cases, alabaster, ceramics and wooden items incuding a model boat. The earliest part of the collection arrived at Towneley in October 1902 from Lady O'Hagan. The mummy and case, together with a representative part of the collection are on display in the Collectors Room.
In the 1970s a set of index cards was created but the collection was not added to the Accession Registers as there had been no changes to the collection since it was recorded in 1938 catalogue ( md7a ).
In 2012, the collection was re-catalogued by students from the University of Liverpool Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, but in 2016 the collection had not yet been added to the Modes database.