Town Clerks

When the museum sub-committee was first set-up in 1902, the Town Clerk and his staff handled much of the museum's paperwork with the Town Clerk attending the meetings. The Town Clerk was Alfred Steele Sheldon and he loaned a scold's bridle for the first exhibition in 1903, which eventually became part of the permanent collection, however due to ill-health he was not able to attend meetings in 1903 and C M Foden took on the role of Hon. Secretary.

Later in the 1930s when Wilfred Dean resigned the role, the Town Clerk attended meetings and produced the committee's annual reports. Colin Campbell (Town Clerk from 1923-1935) produced the reports in 1933 and 1935 and then Harry Plowman (Town Clerk from 1935-1939) that for 1936.

The Town Clerk's office was very much involved in the museum's management as can be shown from a large batch of correspondence in the Town Clerk's files relating to Towneley, which have survived from 25 August 1905 up until 1950.