The Accreditation Scheme for museums and galleries in the United Kingdom has as its first requirement that the museum is guided by a statement of purpose that defines why the museum exists and who it is for.
Towneley's statement of purpose appears in the local authority's forward plan and also in their development policy (also known as an acquisition and disposal policy).
Towneley Hall Museum and Art Gallery contributes to the culture and to the economy of Burnley and Pennine Lancashire by :
- Conserving and exhibiting Towneley's unique collections of fine and decorative arts
- Preserving and interpreting Towneley Hall and telling the story of the Towneley family
- Contributing to the local visitor economy by attracting visitors from across the North of England and promoting the image of Burnley
- Providing educational activities and resources that stimulate, inform and entertain
- Collecting, conserving and exhibiting Burnley's natural and cultural heritage, social and industrial history
- Encouraging the use of Towneley Hall as a civic venue for cultural events, weddings and social functions
- Providing opportunities for volunteers to work at Towneley and to gain experience, skills and knowledge
- Working with the Towneley Hall Society and the Friends of Towneley Park to conserve, develop and promote Towneley Hall and Park
- Developing partnerships with other museums and organisations to tell the story of Pennine Lancashire and to achieve benefits from joint working