Bridgeman Images

Bridgeman Images provides Burnley Corporation with a valuable source of revenue through the marketing and sale of reproduction rights to many of Towneley's oil paintings, watercolours and book illustrations. The images are used in a wide range of products including books and magazines, newspapers, greetings cards and calendars, fine art prints and packaging. One perquisite for the Museum is that it can also ask for a copy of whichever product is making use of the image. In the past this has provided the library with some high quality art books and jigsaws.

The marketing of Towneley photographic images appears to have been handled by Bridgeman Images since around 1983. None of the original documentation can be found at Towneley, but the Art Sub-committee on May 20th 1985 recorded

With reference to Minute No. 34 (February 1983) the Borough Recreation Officer reported on the arrangements which had been entered into with the Bridgeman Arts Library for the making of colour transparencies of paintings in the Towneley Hall collection. He indicated that the scheme was working satisfactorily and producing a small annual income for the Council.